Thursday, May 27, 2010


Blessings on this fine day! Here are some pics of the baptism of Isaac, and our family with our friends the Majors and Father Francis.
And here is a letter to our old friends back in Oregon.

Dear Ace Students,
Oh how our family journey has been! Our way has been long, but very blessed. On April 18 we welcomed baby Isaac into our family. He was 10 lbs 9.5 ozs. He is now a month old, and doing great. So far we have been down to Abbeville, Louisiana once, to see what it was like and meet every one down there. It was a lot of fun, and it confirmed our feeling that we were called to missions. We spent time in prayer and community with the many missionaries that were with us.
We got back on May 11th to get ready for our grandparents who were traveling from Oregon. The Sunday after they arrived we celebrated little Isaac’s baptism and Rachel’s first communion. As of now we are waiting for when we feel its time to back to Louisiana. So as we wait we spend time working and living as a family.


  1. Cool!

    Hi! I think I'm new to your blog.....

    Anyway, I love the header! And your other blog, Sisters Of Pemberly.

    Where on EARTH did you get that amazing backround?

  2. Hmm, your link to the pics doesn't seem to be working... at least for mexD

  3. *Lady Gwenea Zestia Binn
    Welcome to my blog! I'm glad you like it!I'm glad you like Sisters of Pemberly too!
    I got my backround at

    *Caroline: Hm..I'll try and fix that. Thanks.
