Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Hey guys!!
Today during our family prayer time I felt the Lord put on my heart the desire to go on the August mission trip. After thinking about it and talking to my Mom about it I realized that this was going to harder than I thought. You see it would be during my birthday, and I would be away from my family for about a month and a half! So please pray that if this is God's will that he would help and my mom and family to reach this step with peace.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

'Tis been rather a long time..

I know it has been FOREVER! But with the Come and See and every thing else I really didn't feel like posting. But now Come and See is over and I'll try to get back to posting.
As I look at our schedule I see that it is going to be a very busy month! *Sigh*
Blessings, Lizzy

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A giveaway!

A fellow writer and blogger is having a giveaway! Check out the blog Vividry if you would like to enter! Here are two of the lovely items, the third is a necklace.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Lately I've been thinking about what my characters from Streets lined with Gold, and if my book where made into a movie here is who I would want them to be played by. This is helping me a lot because it helps me have more of picture of what they look like. I have only done three so far.

Gavriel:Keisha Castle-Hughes. She played Mary in The Nativity Story, I think she did a wonderful job. She also look a lot like Gavriel. But she is older than Gavriel would be.

Irin is the next in the Tao family, and she has an attitude problem. I have seen two movies with Abigail Breslin and she was amazing! I think she could play my bad-temped, hurt little girl perfectly. She would have to dye her hair and have contacts, but I can think of no one better.

Francesco Gasparini is an Italian boy Gavriel meets on the boat to America. He later saves her life. Fabrizio Bucci plays in three Italian movie that I have seen.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


So I watched and........I loved it!!! It was wonderful! Frank Churchill was just as he should be, Harriett was perfect. Emma was just as spoiled as she was in the book, (I loved the faces she made!) I am glad that I watched, and I can't wait to watch it again.

The Winners finaly!

I think I did a good job for my first time! LOL
This is your ''prize'' for winning.

Yes its finally time to announce them. Since only three people entered captions (which is okay this is my first time. lol) they all win! Thank you so much, I loved your captions, they were very funny!
These three were entered by Monica!


6. Haldir: *Awed tone* See? My corravette?!! See how is sparkles in the sunlight?


10.Aragorn: *stage whisper* Not Twister AGAIN!!


11.Eeew!! Worms!!!

Ruthie Stella entered this one!

#8 Gandalf: Elrond! You're supposed to take away the chair and leave the circle when you lose in musical chairs!

And Sabryna entered three!

4.EEEEWWWW, What the heck is that?


10.Elf: Oh my gosh! what is that thing?!?Aragorn: Um, Gandalf? Do I have to sit by this guy? He scares me!

Is that.... Yes it is!!!! I see Gandalf, off the starboard bow! He's flying on something.... It's an ork!!! With wings!! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! (This has got to be my favorite!)

I'm not sure if I did this right, but there next time to get it! I had fun, I hope you did.



P.S. Oh my gosh now I have to get ready for my 200th post! (lol not quite yet)