Friday, July 30, 2010


Today I realized that I have had my blog for a year! I started Tales of a Godly Maiden 6/11/09!
Thanks to all who follow me, I love having my blog, and I love writing to all of you!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My story

I come from a very strong Catholic family, and I considered myself a strong Catholic too. I prayed with my family and went to mass every Sunday. Then I slowly drifted away. I still continued to go to mass with my family but, I no longer payed attention. I cut myself off form God.
It wasn't until last year that I realized this. All of the sudden I was hopelessly lost. All of my faith had finally left me, and I was scared and angry. There were many nights that I cried myself to sleep because I felt so alone. It's hard to explain what happened in side of my mind. For all of my angry and sadness I crept hidden deep inside, I was afraid that if my parents knew about my struggle I would be forced to learn more about my faith. It wasn't that I didn't want to, I did desperately, but I wanted to do it myself. So in my pride I struggled.
The ability to discern if my actions where right or wrong got harder and harder. Yet still I wanted help myself, God (if he was out there) didn't need to help me, I didn't need him. Finally I gave up. I gave up caring whether I was a good person or not. I just didn't care. Thankfully I didn't see that as a reason to sin more, I just didn't do anything. Good or bad.
Around the same time that I had started to struggle my parents felt the call to missions. I was the only one in the family who was against leaving. But I kept it to myself. In May we moved down to Louisiana, where the mission base is. Still unhappy I started to wonder if I could really help myself. Something started to change in me then, but I didn't do anything.
Why I didn't do anything confuses me, so it will probably sound confusing to you too.
On my top 10 hate list, I absolutely hate hypocrites. So even though I wanted to believe in God, I did not want to be a hypocrite. So I stayed in my land of confused darkness. What finaly made me take that flying leap of faith was not the actual camp but the staff retreat. For Faith Camp I was a part of staff, and a month before all the staff got together.
I was standing in the semi-darkness, it was Praise and Worship time. All the songs seemed to be centered around forgiveness and God's love (imagine that.) All of the sudden I felt pulled to my knees. Down there I finally said it, I said "Jesus I don't care about me any more. I give myself to you. Me, worthless, dirty and sinful. I give you my life, my body and soul."
I said that over and over again, then this wonderful peace came over me. And I was so happy!
It wasn't really Faith Camp that changed me, although Faith Camp has built me up greatly. But if I had not been on staff, I would not be sharing this story with you.

Pics are coming soon!

Friday, July 23, 2010


Does it look better? I'm not sure if I like the look, we will stick with it for awhile.
Anyway I'm working on my Faith Camp post! I'm waiting for pics right now.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


If my blog looks different, or wired or anything, don't worry I'm redoing it. So bare with me please.
I'll try and get it looking nice as soon as possible. Thanks!

On my other blog...

(that I do not post on much) is something to think on.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hello All!

I am back! Faith Camp was unbelievably amazing! I believe that my sisters also had a great time.
So this is just a short post to say that I am back. I will tell you more about it later. Right now I just want to rest!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Few things

First things first. Today is Independence day!!!!! Three cheers! Hip Hip Huzzah! Hip Hip Huzzah! Hip Hip Huzzah! Very good, very good. (Lol) No really this is an amazing day! But anyway, this is going to be just a short post to tell you I am probably going to be gone for two weeks starting Monday. The count down to Faith Camp has begun!