Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Of Head coverings, Writing, Vegetarians and Life

Well I'll do things backward from the post title. =)

Life: Summer is on in full heat here in Louisiana! My siblings are enjoying not doing school and playing outside most of the day.  As for myself I don't really like the heat so I stay inside. ;) No actually the main reason I'm inside a lot is because I'm working on graduating from High School. Go me!   So far so good, with God's help I'll be done soon, the tentative time is 9 months.

Vegetarians: After much thought and contemplation, I have decided to become a Vegetarian. Why? Well because I just don't like eating meat. Its really quite a simple reason. ;)  Actually this information is sadly very late, I've been doing this for almost 2 months.  Its really hard in my family, you never know how much meat you eat until you don't eat it. If that makes sense. Anywho, at home I don't eat meat, but usually when I go out I end up eating some, just because there isn't enough salad! 

Writing: This month has been a crazy writing month! It started out slow, then I decided to do Camp Nanowrimo, which for those who don't know is like Nanowrimo were you write 50,000 words in a month.  I was having fun with that, working on my book, "King, Hunter and Outlaw" (which reminds me I should do a writing post) and then my writing world exploded.  Suddenly I found myself doing a short story contest, co-writing a book with a friend and beta-reading two books.  Needless to say my writing world is very crazy right now and I have a feeling I'll fail Camp Nano. :(    But there's always August too. ;)

Head coverings: I've never been a veil wearing type of girl, but after getting a whole bunch of scarves I found that they are actually quite useful in the hair.  If you fold them up and tie them in your hair not only do they look super cute but they also keep hair out of your face.  Officially I'm in love with them.
yes this is me. :D 

God Bless!


  1. Hey Abi! This is Susan (you're mom's cousin). I've been quietly reading your blog for awhile now and thought I'd finally say hi. It's been ages since I've seen your family so I thought you might not remember me. Anyway, it's nice to read about what's happening with you and your family!

  2. Oh hey! It's wonderful to hear from you, I read mum your comment and she was happy. :) I remember you but not very well, but I've seen pictures of your adorable baby on facebook!
    Thanks for commenting.
