Hey guys!!
Today during our family prayer time I felt the Lord put on my heart the desire to go on the August mission trip. After thinking about it and talking to my Mom about it I realized that this was going to harder than I thought. You see it would be during my birthday, and I would be away from my family for about a month and a half! So please pray that if this is God's will that he would help and my mom and family to reach this step with peace.
I will be praying very hard for you!
ReplyDeleteCould you PLEASE go over to Pennies from Heaven, and follow her. You see, at this link~
She is hosting a giveaway for a $20 gift certificate. And she is going to give it to the person that can round up the most followers! So, please go over and follower her, saying that 'Johanna and An Old-Fashioned Girl' sent you?
Thank you So much!
Wow! What a BIG step! I'll be thinking about you.