Monday, May 31, 2010

Bad News

I have a cold!! A horrid cold that has kept me awake most of the night, and makes me feel miserable during the day. What else am I to say? Nothing, the plain fact is I'm sick. Oh well, I just hope baby Isaac doesn't catch it!
Hope you all are better then I am at the moment,


  1. oh I'm so sorry! I have a really bad sinus infection right now and it makes me feel miserable also :( although today I felt better than I did over the weekend but nights are very hard for me too!
    Hope you feel better soon and that the rest of your family stays well :)

    Love in Christ,

  2. Oh, I'm so sorry, Lizzy! Colds are no fun. :( I will be praying for you, and for your whole family that they don't catch it, especially baby Isaac.

    In Christ,
