"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Week 2
I think my favorite game as of right now is Spoons. It is a wonderful game that was taught to us by a dear friend of mine. She and I went to school together, and I consider her my best friend. We (my whole family) went over to her house for dinner and afterwards she taught us this game. Ever since my siblings have begged to play is more! I know this is short but I don't have much time.
P.S Everyone should play this game
The name
Monday, April 19, 2010
Hey all!
Still no name, I will update when we have one.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
2) What name do you go by on blogger? Abigail/Elizabeth Bennet. Or Lizzy for short.
3) When is your birthday? 8/10
4) If you could live anywhere in the world, besides where you live now, where would it be? Um... I'd live back in Oregon!
5) How did you find out about Blogger?I had to have a blog for school, after awhile I asked for my own to have for none school purposes.
6) Tell us something interesting about yourself: I would love to have a horse!
7) What was your favorite toy when you were little? My doll, she was the Felicity American Girl doll.
8) What is your favorite meal? Have you ever cooked/helped cook that meal? Tacos!
9) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I'd more understanding with my siblings.
10) Are you an outside person, or an inside person? Outside!
11) Are you a mommy's boy/girl, or a daddy's boy/girl? Daddy's girl.
12) In one word, describe the feeling you get when you stub your toe, after just being told by your parents that you are grounded for the next month: WHY! (No really I'd be like ''why me? Why now?")
13) Let's say you TP'd your friend's house (for those of you who don't know what TP'd stands for, it means toilet papered. As in, put toilet paper on their trees, cars, house, porch, etc.). If someone asked you why you TP'd your friends house, you would say: ''I was bored." (Not that I'd do that! :D)
14) Have you ever gone swimming in deep, dark, dirty water? No, but I have wanted to. lol
15) Have you ever dreamed about getting ready to leave the house, and forgetting to get your pants on? NO!
16) Have you ever done something so ridiculous, that you wish you'd never done it? If so, what? No, not that I can think of.
17) Imagine that you saw a purse snatching. What would you do?
a. scream and run away
b. move out of the state/country
c. tackle the purse snatcher to the ground.
d. ignore it, start whistling, and turn the other direction.
I'd probably do c.
18) How many friends do you have on blogger? only my sister.
19) What makes blogging so much fun for you? Writing my thoughts, making friends, and having fun. :) lol
20) You're a turtle, who has bet that you can win a race with a rabbit. How does it turn out?"
I have no idea! :) lol
P.S. I just realised I asked people to check out Eldarwen's blog and I didn't give a link!
So here it is.
Blog Party!
P.S. Sorry Liza I couldn't help but through the sister thing out there!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Week 1 of 4
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
100th post (coming soon!)
Okay I will do something fun for my 100th post. But, even though this is it, its not going to happen in this post. lol. This post is to say go check out this!
It will be fun I promise.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
I don't have wonderful words of wisdom on this blessed day. All I can say is that today is a day for rejoicing and merry times. We SHOULD celebrate! Jesus died for us, even if you were the only person in the world, Jesus still would have died so that you could join him in heaven. So REJOICE!
Streets lined with Gold
Streets lined with Gold
Gavriel is a young Romanian who has made the journey to America. There it is said that the streets are lined with gold. America is the new promise land. But problems arise when they arrive. The poverty is amazing to her, and the condition that many children are forced to live in goes to her heart. Gavriel's father loses his job, and her mother must find work. And on top of that her sister is losing their faith. Gavriel struggles to keep her beloved family together, while learning that her faith will be her rock. Will everything turn out well? Will Gavriel see her hearts desire.
The boat slowly grew closer and closer till they were in the port. The rest of her siblings had long gone back to the cabin, but Gavriel wanted to see America. She remembered her father telling her.
“Gavi, there in America there is work for all. They say the streets are lined with gold.”
There was hundreds of people in the port, she scanned the faces for ones she might paint. Gavriel loved to paint. But there was one faces that she most wanted to see. The face of her beloved papa.
Tears welled up in her eyes when she did not see him. Then she gasped, a dark strong faces, so familiar to her, made her heart beat faster. It was her father.
And here is another bit.
Then something made Gavriel stare. It was a statue, a big beautiful statue of a woman. Holding a torch in one hand and a tablet in another, with a crown of light on her head.
“Do you like her?” A voice asked behind her. Gavriel turned to see a boy about eighteen, with dark hair, olive skin and impish eyes.
“Da*…I mean yes.” She faltered. The boy grinned, “So do I.”
“Who is she?” Gavriel asked him.
“Lady Liberty,” the boy said proudly, “The statue of liberty.”
“She’s beautiful.” Gavriel whispered.
The boy looked at her intently then said, “My name is Francesco, what is yours?”
“Gavriel, Gavriel Tao.” She said with a slight smile.
“Gavriel” He said her name slowly, as though he was trying to remember it. “Well Gavriel, good luck to you.” With these words the boy named Francesco turned and walked down the gangplank, leaving Gavi looking after him.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Lizzy's Short Story contest!
I friend of mine is having a story contest! I have just entered my story. After its over I'll post it here. But if any of you are interested in entering too here is the link.http://lizzyslovelylibrary.blogspot.com/2010/03/well-theyre-no-precious-rubies.html