Sunday, November 1, 2009


I have now finally gotten around to Eldawin's tag.

Do you like long tags or short tags?

Do you like Animals?
Yes, I love horses and cats the most.

What was the last movie you watched?
Master and Commander, I love that movie. Side note I love war movies, because I love seeing men and woman risk their lives for something they believe in. It inspires me!

What was the last thing you cooked?
Pumpkin seeds! They were so good.

Do you like to cook?
Yes I do, I love to grab a recipe follow it for a while then improves the rest.

What is your opinion on fantasy
Fantasy is wonderful , if only the author doesn't jump the boarders between a story that portrays good things to a story that prorates bad things. The Golden Compass is a good example of bad fantasy.

If you absolutely had to go to college, what would you want to major in?
Teaching or Literature.

Least Favorite subject in school?

Favorite type of weather?
Cosy warm.

What was the last book you read?
The Living Reed, by Pearl S Buck.

Do you get along well with computers (i.e. know what buttons to press when something goes wrong, know what to do when the power goes out)?
more or less, I know more about the computer than the rest of my family, besides my Dad.

Do you like undersea life?
Eldarwen(I miss spelled that earlier. Sorry) put perfectly!

Hot dog or Hamburger?
Hot dog, absolutely no Mayo.

Taco or Nachos?

Rain or shine?
Ummmm,Ahhhh, Rain. I love both.

Big or small?
I don't know. My sis Marianne loves small things. Goes crazy over them.

Fancy or simple?

I tag
Elránia Undómiel
The Traveler


  1. Cool tag!
    Yes, I am going to Reed College for Latin day with Mrs.Zeller. I would be interested in doing a Janetie blog, but it would be depending on how many other people want to do it, because I'm very busy with school and would not want to post every week. Also, I would need to know what the blog would be about, like would it be what I do on my blog, or just discussion?

  2. Hi Stephanie,
    I thought it would be fun to go and meet you but I got sick this week and was not able to fill out the paper. I went last year and it was really fun, I'm sorry I'm going to miss it. You wouldn't have to post every week, I know what you mean when you say your busy with school! Here is the link to the blog it will be lots of things. We have a story going, we plan to post chapters of Jane's books, and I think we will have discussions.
