Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Homevisits = Happy Day!

Nothing like good ol' homevisits to make you happy! Today my dad and sister Marianne worked with a group called The Simple House. With them we did something very similar to homevisits. We had a bag of pineapple and other goodies, we knocked on the doors and gave to the person who answerd, we asked if they wanted prayer, stuff like that. It was so good to be doing it again! I was really thankful thought that I could understand everyone. That being the only drawback to Mexico, I couldn't understand anything! :)
The people where so happy to get the bag, and they where so happy to see us. Their joy was infectious! It wasn't hard to smile brightly when they opened up the door.
Merry Christmas!!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

You know that you've been to Mexico when...

When you little sister, age 2, is singing worship songs in Spanish. Granted that she doesn't know all the words, nor I dare say the meaning. But its still cute. :)

Mission post!

We got the news! The bishop of San Lucia wants us to come! We are all so excited.
San Lucia is an island in the Caribbean, so your probably thinking. "Oh that's a great mission post. Lets go to a paradise!"
Yes, it will be a sort of paradise, God makes many beautiful places. But that's not why we are being called there. We are being called to re-evangelise catholics. Did you know 70% of children are born out of wedlock! That's a lot. And what better a witness than to come with our 10 kids. :)

P.S I will post more later!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

More on Mexico

I think my favorite thing that we did in mexico was the home visits. Which is where we go and visit the elderly and the sick. The mission girls often drove but when we went we walked. Which was really cool, because you got to see what General was like. One of the home visits that I most remember is the when we to visit this old lady who only has one leg. She had lost it to gangrene, and her big toe is now infected. She will probably never walk again. After our leader, (Bree) had talked to the lady for awhile (the rest of us can't speak Spanish) and after reading the bible we prayed with her. Bree asked her if she had anything that she wanted to pray for, she said:
"I want to pray for peace in world."
Is that not beautiful? This poor old women may never walk again, she is in pain and she prays for peace!? As on of the other girls said,
"She is praying for a world that could care less, that has already forgotten her."